Training & Ranking

Training & Ranking

I am a beginner in martial arts, and I want to learn Filipino Martial Arts

If you are new to martial arts and have no background, start with our Beginners Foundational Course. Click Here to view that course.

I am a PMAA student and want access to PMAA curriculum videos. How do I access them?

If you are a student in one of the Charter schools, you can get access to your curriculum videos for a discounted fee.  Click here to enroll and start accessing your video lesson online

I am an experienced martial artist and want to learn Filipino Martial Arts in the quickest possible way. How should I proceed?

If you are an experienced martial artist and have a minimum of at least 3 years in any arts, the Immersion Program is the best option for you.  This will give you an accelerated way to understand Filipino martial arts in such a short time fully. Click here to learn more about the Immersion Program.

I am a Filipino Martial Arts practitioner and want to continue growing in the arts. How can I do this with your organization?

Philippine Martial Arts Alliance is a non-political organization that can help you.  Determine your needs and goals, and we can go from there.  You can get started by contacting us

I have previously trained in Filipino Martial Arts and want to get ranking recognition for my experience.

PMAA honors all existing ranks from any legitimate Filipino Martial Arts Organizations worldwide.  We have a simple process for recognizing and helping FMA, Kali, Eskrima, and Arnis practitioners get proper commendation from their experience.  Contact us for details to assist you personally. 

Philippine Martial Arts Alliance

get in touch with us!

Consult us now for more inquiry, and we will get back to you as soon as possible. 

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