Instructors Certification

Instructors Certification

I am a father/coach and want to teach Stix 4 Kids to my children/students. How does this program work?

Stix 4 Kids is a program developed specifically with kids in mind. It is intended to help Fathers and coaches to teach them easily and accordingly to children as early as 5 years old. Click here to get started helping your kids learn the Stix 4 Kids program!

I am a martial arts instructor/ school owner and would like to implement a Filipino Martial Arts program in my school. What is the best program for me to get started?

The immersion program is perfect for you to train in Filipino Martial Arts.  This course will give you a full understanding of different arts components you can easily share with your students.  To learn more about the Immersion Program, click here.

I teach Filipino Martial Arts and would like a structured & easy-to-follow curriculum to retain my students. Can PMAA help me with this?

PMAA can help you with that! Our specialty is to assist FMA teachers like you worldwide and make it easier for them to share the art without worrying about many other things! We have a laidout, easy-to-follow curriculum you can implement immediately to complement your existing program. Contact us so we can personally assist you.

I am a martial art professional (school owner) and want to attain an instructor's status in Filipino Martial Arts. What are the steps I need to take to accomplish this?

PMAA has an instructor’s program perfect for someone like you. Whether you have experience in the Filipino martial arts of Kali, Arnis, and Eskrima or not, our certification process can easily be accomplished with easy and achievable steps.  Please get in touch with us so we can better serve you

Philippine Martial Arts Alliance

get in touch with us!

Consult us now for more inquiry, and we will get back to you as soon as possible. 

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